Reset bedtime
with melatonin.
Reset bedtime
with melatonin.
Reset bedtime
with melatonin.

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If you frequently have trouble sleeping, you may be short on melatonin.

What is melatonin?

It’s a hormone that tells your body when it’s time to sleep.

It helps run our body’s internal clock.

Like clockwork, melatonin gets released during the end cycle of our circadian sequencing. Your circadian rhythm acts as your internal 24-hour clock, telling your body what to do based on the time of day. So, how exactly does circadian rhythm work?

It functions 24/7.

What happens at sunrise?

The increase in light prompts our bodies to stop the secretion of melatonin. After this, we usually have the sharpest rise in blood pressure. We might feel inclined to empty our bowels, and experience an increase in alertness.

What happens midday?

At the day’s halfway point, energy and alertness peaks. You’ll find that your coordination and reaction time is optimal between approximately 2:30pm and 3:30pm. After this peak, you’ll experience a slight dip in energy, but it rises again around 5pm when your cardiovascular efficiency and muscular strength reaches an all time high for the day.

What happens at night?

As the sun sets and darkness arrives, your body temperature increases and blood pressure reaches its daily high point. Melatonin secretion begins around 9pm, and will ideally induce sleepiness.

What happens if this cycle is disrupted?

Disruptions to our circadian rhythm can lead to issues like chronic sleep deprivation, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and other unwanted conditions over time. Here are some external factors that can affect our circadian sequence.

Decreased exposure to natural sunlight
Symptoms of
chronic stress
Increased light
from screens

It functions 24/7.

What happens at sunrise?


The increase in light prompts our bodies to stop the secretion of melatonin. After this, we usually have the sharpest rise in blood pressure. We might feel inclined to empty our bowels, and experience an increase in alertness.

What happens midday?


At the day’s halfway point, energy and alertness peaks. You’ll find that your coordination and reaction time is optimal between approximately 2:30pm and 3:30pm. After this peak, you’ll experience a slight dip in energy, but it rises again around 5pm when your cardiovascular efficiency and muscular strength reaches an all time high for the day.

What happens at night?


As the sun sets and darkness arrives, your body temperature increases and blood pressure reaches its daily high point. Melatonin secretion begins around 9pm, and will ideally induce sleepiness.

What happens if this cycle is disrupted?

Disruptions to our circadian rhythm can lead to issues like chronic sleep deprivation, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and other unwanted conditions over time. Here are some external factors that can affect our circadian sequence.

Decreased exposure to natural sunlight
Symptoms of
chronic stress
Excessive light
from screens

Healthy sleep depends on melatonin

And sleep has an impact on nearly everything we do. It affects our brain function, emotional state, hormonal health, appetite, blood sugar, libido, and even more. That’s why it’s so important to ensure your melatonin levels are healthy.

Could I benefit from supplemental melatonin?

If you…
  • Suffer from insomnia
  • Often wake during the night and have trouble falling back asleep
  • Have a delayed sleep schedule due to shift work
  • Are trying to beat jet lag
… you could benefit from supplemental melatonin.

Why should I choose sustained release melatonin?

  • As a slow-dissolving form of melatonin, it mimics our body’s natural production of this hormone
  • It’s been shown to improve sleep duration
  • It’s beneficial for those who have trouble staying asleep through the night

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