If you frequently have trouble sleeping, you may be short on melatonin.
Like clockwork, melatonin gets released during the end cycle of our circadian sequencing. Your circadian rhythm acts as your internal 24-hour clock, telling your body what to do based on the time of day. So, how exactly does circadian rhythm work?
Disruptions to our circadian rhythm can lead to issues like chronic sleep deprivation, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and other unwanted conditions over time. Here are some external factors that can affect our circadian sequence.
Disruptions to our circadian rhythm can lead to issues like chronic sleep deprivation, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and other unwanted conditions over time. Here are some external factors that can affect our circadian sequence.
And sleep has an impact on nearly everything we do. It affects our brain function, emotional state, hormonal health, appetite, blood sugar, libido, and even more. That’s why it’s so important to ensure your melatonin levels are healthy.