How do amino acids help with muscle growth?

An apple a day may help keep the doctor away. But in reality, our bodies need much more than that to stay healthy… Read More

The lowdown on lean muscle mass

Whether it’s easing the weight of lifting groceries, or resisting injury during a wild game of pickleball, gaining lean muscle can support the… Read More

Does sleep have an impact on fertility?

Our bodies need sleep to survive. That might not sound surprising if you’ve ever woken up after a restless night and yawned your… Read More

Sun protection 101

Summer is here and there are plenty of activities to do under the warm rays of the sun – adventurous hikes, camping trips,… Read More

Combating age-related muscle loss

As we age, it’s natural for our bodies to change in many ways. From getting wrinkles to noticing age spots, it’s all a part of… Read More

Bold bowel talk: How to track & evaluate your transit time

Everyone poops. And healthy poops are more important to our overall wellbeing than you might think. Although getting real about toilet talk might seem embarrassing,… Read More

Allergy season survival guide

If you are a spring allergy season sufferer, you know that it can be debilitating at times causing congestion, drowsiness, and interrupting your daily activities. Read More

Beating Candida: the 5R approach

Under a microscope, Candida is simply a type of yeast, naturally present in small amounts throughout our bodies. But when this tiny yeast is given… Read More

The relationship between aging and heart health

If you’re young and healthy, you may not have heart disease on your mind. Although heart disease is most prevalent in individuals who are 60… Read More

All about elderberry – The berry that’s been around the block

We all know that there’s no single cure to solve all our health problems. But something that comes pretty close to it is elderberry. This… Read More